(通讯员:左炜卓、陈思)2019年3月30日上午九点,丝路讲坛第三期在中国地质大学东区东苑报告厅举行。本次讲坛由加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Dr. Wei Liu带来一场关于“如何在英文国际杂志上发表文章”(How to Publish in English-Medium International Journals)为主题的讲座。公司2017级研究生左炜卓、2018级研究生张栩在导师带领下参加了本次讲坛。
Dr.Wei Liu现场给来自各国的员工讲解了如何在英文期刊上发表文章的经历,解答了员工在发表文章时的困惑,传授了发刊经验,将发刊过程中的感受总结为以下几点:
(1)Internationalcomparison through participation in international communities of research is important, but we should be clear about what we want.
(2)We do need to educate the world about China and Chinese issues in English.
(3)Chinese social science researchers should take on important social issues faced by China and publish in China to inform Chinese government decision making.
(4)SSCI: Information considered important by the U.S.A government for decision making.
(5)Develop more high quality English journals in China with rigorous review policy and process.